A doctor prescribing a course of action without a thorough examination would be irresponsible and dangerous. The same dangers exist when it comes to making financial decisions. Prescription without analysis is malpractice™. Before you consider refinancing or are told to Replace Your Mortgage make sure you get all your options analyzed and examined.
The Personal Profile is the tool we use to get a good look at the condition of your personal economy. Conducting a thorough examination of your finances is the first step in determining your economic condition and identifying where opportunities exist to utilize equity optimization strategies. Everyone is unique in their own right and we use the Personal Profile to help determine the best course of action for your particular financial condition.
Completing the Personal Profile is a simple process because it consists of the information you see every month; mortgage balance, mortgage payment, monthly expenses and deposited income. We do not and will not ask for any sensitive information like account or social security numbers. You may also return at a later date if you do not have the required information at your disposal.
After submitting your profile the information will be analyzed by our proprietary amortization engine and a projected Debt Free result will be delivered immediately. This payoff projection is preliminary and may change for better or worse after a detailed online review with a Financial Strategist. There is no cost for this one-on-one meeting and is a critical component of the personalized service we provide. You will find this meeting to be very relaxed, enjoyable and extremely informative.
You may also purchase a Summary Report of our findings for $17.00. This report provides deeper findings and a comparison of what you are doing today vs. what you could be doing with the Equity Advantage™. Many have found this report useful in making their final decision to adopt better financial practices. Details of how to operate the program are not provided in this report; it is for informational purposes only. Before you Replace Your Mortgage consider all your alternatives and get your Summary Report.
We care a great deal about your financial future. The Personal Profile and a one-on-one consultation with one of our staff are critical in determining whether or not you should consider implementing an equity optimization strategy and our program. Ill-advised or improper implementation carries great risk and should not be considered with out thorough examination and qualified counsel.
Take the next step and discover if equity optimization and our program are right for you. Complete your Personal Profile and attend a free 30 minute meeting with one of our staff. It may turn out to be the best 30 minutes of your life.