—–Original Message—–
From: A Benes [mailto:abenes@nullevfgt.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 9:55 AM
Subject: TIE

Hi Lauren,

It has been a while since we last spoke, how are you? Miss talking with you, we are so excited STILL with all you have done and what TIE continues to do in both Phase 1 and 2.
We are happy with all the success. Makes you think differently in almost every expense we make. Just wish we could have adjust or accommodate the big increase in fuel cost. Man!
Anyways, this whole TIE thing is just so awesome!
Have spoke to many people about TIE, and some who have heard of it shortly after we started, are now saying, well Andy, you are very lucky to get involved when you did! I just laugh. Almost everyone with good personal records/history can do this, still. That is what I love!

Hope all is well with you and you are keeping busy getting more and more people involved!
Can’t wait to hear from you when you have few minutes.

Thanks again!
